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Reframe Flaws to Features (feat. The Beetles)

412 words·2 mins
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Brands often try to conceal their flaws, afraid of turning off customers. But the smartest marketers flip the script - proudly owning flaws and reframing them as features.

Admitting flaws builds trust and makes brands relatable. And skillfully highlighting flaws in a positive light allows you to control the narrative.

The Damaging Admission>

The Damaging Admission #

The damaging admission, where the flaws of an offer are confessed. Especially the flaws which cannot be concealed for long.

Not everyone is gullible enough to believe you’ve never messed up.

Stop trying to hide your faults from the world. Rather, admit them. Learn thy weaknesses. Expose thy flaws. Admit thy limitations.

It feels more human. It builds customer trust.

“Ugly is only skin deep”>

“Ugly is only skin deep” #

When Volkswagen admitted the Beetle was ugly, they also convinced their audience about not caring about such aesthetics and focused on functionality.

Volkswagen ugly is only skin deep ad anatomy

A “blemished offer” has a “reason why” or a “but.” Do not forget to include it.

Reposition Flaws as Distinctive Features>

Reposition Flaws as Distinctive Features #

Make them see the picture from another angle.

With creative messaging, you can reframe flaws into positive differentiation points:

  • It’s not a 2-page ebook you’re giving but an all-juice report, no fluff.
  • It’s not incomplete - it’s an ever-evolving course with lifetime access.
  • The podcast isn’t studio quality - it’s a recorded insider discussion with industry leaders.
  • I’m not inexperienced - I’ve learned from 8 years of missteps that I’ll help you avoid.

Reframe. Reframe. Reframe.

Owning the narrative>

Owning the narrative #

It is best to expose your flaws yourself before your customers unearth them and shove them in your face. Or worse, your competition.

P&G’s Scope mouthwash declared war on the leading Listerine with two words: ‘Medicine breath.’ Listerine weaponized this blemish with the super successful ‘the taste you hate, twice a day.’

Claiming the unpleasant as your own puts you in charge of the narrative.

It also makes your brand likable.

Takeaways: Confidently Spin Flaws in Your Favor>

Takeaways: Confidently Spin Flaws in Your Favor #

  • Don’t conceal - confidently admit flaws to build trust and steer the narrative. Then reframe smartly as features that provide value.

  • Owning your story - both positives and negatives - makes brands relatable, honest, and human. What clever reframing could highlight your flaws in a whole new light?

  • The right language makes weaknesses look like strengths. Guide audiences to see flaws from a different vantage point.